Ecuador's Hidden Treasure

Primatologist Dr Citlalli Morelos-Juarez established the Tesoro Escondido Reserve to save the rare brown-headed spider monkey and we see how that’s made her a leader who is protecting the ecosystem, nurturing local people and empowering female scientists.

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Ecuador's Hidden Treasure
  • Description
  • Credits

Black Leaf Films made 3x25 films for this observational documentary series about the women in STEM fields.

Ecuador's Hidden Treasure
Directors Ana Naomi de Sousa / Kata Karath
Camera Peiman Zekavat
Editor Adam Thomas
Local assistant producer/translator Kata Karath

Robo Gal
Directors - Dan Davies / Juliette Pearce
Camera - Justine Kerrigan, Richard Kickbush, Juliette Pearce
Editor - Adam Cassidy

The Dolphin Sanctuary
Director Theopi Skarlatos
Camera Operator: Dave Aspinall
Editor: Adam Thomas

Series Staff
Researcher/Production Manager Jessica Morris
Production Co-ordinator - Stuart Watson
BLF Series Executive Producer Dan Davies
AJE Executive Producer Farid Barsoum